
& Sam
Montfair Resort
Crozet, Virginia

Weekend Details
13:00 Tubing @ The Rivanna River Company
21:00 Bonfire @ The Lake
15:00 Live Music @ The Lake
17:00 Cocktail Hour @ The Desk
18:00 Dinner @ The Lodge
19:00 Ceremony @ The Ceremony Field
20:00 Dancing @ The Deck
10:00 Coffee and Pastries @ The Lodge

Dress Code
It's gonna be hot! So plan accordingly, but here are some guidelines for the various activities over the weekend.
- Tubing the Rivanna: Swimmers, sunnies, sun screen.
- Bonfire: Keep it casual, shorts and tshirt.
- Mini Bluegrass Festival: See Bonfire
- Cocktail Hour through Dinnr and Ceremony: Keywords are Cocktail and Summer
- Sunday Breakfast: Casual
We have some hotel blocks booked at the following places.
If you are looking for something a little fancy we reccommend these two options.

In Town...
- Exploring
- Rivanna River and Trail
- Monticello
- Ragged Mountain Reservoir
- Fox Haven Farm Trail
- UVA Rotunda and Lawn
- Farmer's Market at IX Art Park
- Kluge Ruhe Museum [worlds largest collection of Aboriginal Australian art]
- The Downtown Mall
- Coffee
- Cou Cou Rachou [best pastries on the east coast]
- Grit
- Lone Light Coffee
- Shenandoah Joe
- Dining
- Smyrna [our curent favourite]
- Bodos Bagels
- Selvedge Brewery
- Birdhouse
- Belle
- Riverside Diner
- Jack Browns [open late]
- Drinking
- Decipher Brewery
- Random Row Brewery
- Durty Nelly's
- Tonic
- Millers
Around Town...
- Gabriele Rausse Winery
- Blue Hole at Moormans River Trailhead
- Blue Ridge Parkway Scenic Drive and Humpback Rocks
- Greenwood Grocery in Crozet
- Les Yeux du Monde Gallery
Out of Town...
- Richmond
- Belle Isle
- Pizza Bones and Spotty Dog Icecream
- Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
- Greenbank Observatory [a trek but very cool]